Saint George, UT | (208) 589-4660


When you are first learning to drive a car, an automatic is an appealing choice, but if you learn to drive a manual transmission, you can easily transition into an auto. When it comes to motorbikes, a rider who has learned on a dirt bike is likely to find it easier to make the switch to a road...
Motorcyclists get a thrill and feeling of freedom when they ride which their car driving counterparts just can't understand. What motorcyclists don't get, however, are the safety features which are surrounding the driver of the car.

Get the Right Gear to Stay Safe on Your Bike

When it comes to...
Whether it's climbing a grassy mountain, racing around a track for the best time, or even just trying your hardest to throttle out of a mud pool, the adventure has no limits when it comes to owning and riding a dirt bike. The key to the adventure, however, is how well the ride performs.

To get...
Nothing can compare to the thrill you get from riding a personal watercraft. Still, if you want your experiences out on the water to be positive ones, follow through the tips below so you can remain safe while riding.

How to Remain Safe While on a ;Personal Watercraft

Get Educated Before You...

Whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling, ;it always seems to be a good time to get our your ATV and take it for a spin. After all, that's ;part of the freedom of owning an ATV. However, the enjoyment you get from your ATV comes at a price - maintenance. And while there may not be a...
Owning an SUV offers a range of benefits over a regular sized family sedan or a sports car. And while many drivers may only use their SUV to complete their daily city errands along with their family duties, more and more SUV owners are looking to get the most out of their vehicle and explore...
When it comes to lawnmowers, most owners don't perform any type of engine maintenance at all. And while it's true that the engine inside your lawnmower is generally basic in nature, just like all machines, it needs attention to keep it running smoothly and efficiently.

Get the Most out of Your...

If it seems like only last year when you were completing your extensive list of household chores which you had been putting off, then you're right! Which means only one thing - it's time for another Spring Clean.

Beneficial Maintenance Which Every Motorist Can Complete

And while you are likely...
For some motorists, the cold weather is the perfect time to take their drives. Whether you enjoy cold weather camping, it’s the best time for you to take vacations from work or perhaps you want to head to the snow with the family and pretend you’re an expert ski-champion. Whatever the reason, if...
When most people think about water based adventure their first thought is often to fishing or water skiing. However, when it comes to true water based adventures, you can't go past a jet-ski. While they may be a slight learning curve involved when it comes to getting on one, once you've mastered...