Saint George, UT | (208) 589-4660


Synthetic oil myths can prevent you from making the best decisions for your vehicle's maintenance. Through this post by TenEyck Distributing in Saint George, you will learn the truth behind some popular synthetic oil myths.

We've all heard myths at some point in our lives. Some of us has even...
Buying a car for the first time can be very exciting. but have you though about all the factors that come into play in this process? If your answer was no, read this post by TenEyck Distributing in Saint George and learn some tips that will help you have success along the process!

Are you...
When was the last time you properly inspected your tires? Your tires are the one keeping your car safely on the ground, they are a vital component of every vehicle. Learn about signs that can tell you if you need new tires in this post by TenEyck Distributing.

Are you wondering if you need new...
Feeling some level of fear when learning how to ride a motorcycle is normal. Nonetheless, if you feel like your fear is getting in the way of learning this new skill, read this post by TenEyck Distributing and learn some tips on how to overcome it.

Are you learning how to ride a motorcycle?...
As a motorcycle rider, you have undoubtedly been in the situation where you come up to your motorcycle and are unable to get it going. This can be quite disappointing and exasperating, so make sure you read this post by TenEyck Distributing in Saint George to be informed and ready if you...
Paying close attention to the color of your exhaust smoke can tell you a lot about your engine. Is the smoke coming out of your tailpipe black? Or maybe even blue? Either way, learn more in this post that TenEyck Distributing has for you.

Have you ever noticed your exhaust smoke color...
Dirt bike riding is an incredible activity but can also be dangerous when not taking the proper safety measures. Read this article by TenEyck Distributing and learn about aspects you should pay special attention to when riding your dirt bike.

Dirt bike riding can be a fun and thrilling...
Experiencing road rage can put your well-being in danger. To make sure you don't fall victim to this intense feeling, you should read this post that TenEyck Distributing LLC in Saint George, UT has put together for you.

You're driving down the road. It's hot, there's a lot of traffic, and you...
With the summer sun finally here, it’s a great time for friends and families to take a road trip. This article can help make your adventure stress-free.

When it comes to everybody’s favorite time of the year, the most common answer has to be summer. Not just because of the beautiful weather...
You would be hard-pressed to find a driver who isn’t worried about getting stuck on the side of the road with steam pouring from their engine. But what can you do?

There are so many conveniences which come with owning a car, one of them being the ability to take your friends and your family...